
The WooCommerce module for KB CloudERP is a Separate Optional Premium Module for the POS application.

The WooCommerce module for KB CloudERP is a simple module that when installed in your KB CloudERP software will help you with synchronizing products, stocks & orders.

With this module, you open an online shop from your POS software in minutes and stop worrying about adding Products in multiple software, updating stocks, Orders & much more.

Features in the WooCommerce module

  1. Synchronize product categories from POS to your online WooCommerce-based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)

  2. Synchronize products from POS to your online WooCommerce-based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)

  3. Update stock details from POS to WooCommerce (POS to WooCommerce)

  4. Synchronize Orders from WooCommece to POS (WooCommerce to POS)

  5. Assign different prices for the webshop. (Using Selling Price Group feature)

  6. Map taxes

  7. Shows the details of synchronization logs.

  8. Auto Synchronization based on Cron jobs.

  9. Customizable products field for synchronization during product creation & update.

  10. Synchronize product price Including Tax or Excluding tax.

API Settings

For connecting KB CloudERP to WooCommerce, we need to provide the API details of the WooCommerce shop.

  1. Generating API key: Generate API keys by following this instruction as given in WooCommerce documentation.

  2. Copy Consumer Key & Consumer Secret and paste them in Woocommerce Consumer Key & Woocommerce Consumer Secret.

  3. Woocommerce App URL: Enter the URL where the WooCommerce shop is set up. For example http://www.yourstore.com or https://www.yourstore.com IMPORTANT: Make sure to add HTTP or HTTPS before the woocommerce app URL.

Product Sync Settings

  1. Default Tax Class: WooCommerce assigns a tax class to each item. Here you have to provide the default tax class which is used in WooCommerce.

  2. Sync Product Price: This specifies if the product price that will be sent to WooCommerce will include tax or exclude tax.

  3. Default Selling Price Group: Sometimes you may want to have a different price in WooCommerce then that is POS. For that, you can create a Selling price Group in POS & assign that price group to WooCommerce. Price Group Document

  4. Product fields to be synced with woocommerce while creating products: Here you can select the fields that will get synced to WooCommerce from POS while creating a new product.

  5. Product fields to be synced with woocommerce while updating products: Here you can select the fields that will get synced to WooCommerce from POS while updating an already created product. This option can be very useful if you want the POS to overwrite some of the fields while updating products.

What is Webhook?

Webhook helps you to get live orders from WooCommerce to KB CloudERP.

Meaning whenever there is a new order on the WooCommerce website it gets sent instantly to KB CloudERP. This is a nice feature present in this module.

Setting up Webhook:

  1. Go to WooCommerce -> API settings -> WebHook Settings, there you will find Order Created, Order Updated, Order Deleted, and Order Restored webhook settings containing Webhook Secret & Webhook Delivery URL

  2. Copy the Webhook Delivery URL for Order Created and create a new Webhook in WooCommerce. For creating Webhook in WooCommerce refer to this document: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/webhooks/#section-3

  3. Click on “Save Webhook” in WooCommerce.

  4. Copy the Generated “Secret” from WooCommerce and paste it to the Webhook Secret of KB CloudERP Order Created.

  5. Repeat the above process for all others (Order Updated, Order Deleted, Order restored)

  6. After configuring when a new order comes it will also be updated in KB CloudERP.

Last updated