Rounding mechanism explained

Rounding helps to round the total payable to the nearest currency exchange available.

To enable rounding go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Sales and choose the Amount rounding method

  1. Round to nearest whole number: It will round the payable value to the nearest whole number. For example, 1.49 will be rounded to 1.00 and 1.51 will be rounded to 2.00

  2. Round to nearest decimal (multiple of 0.05): It will round the payable value to the nearest decimal number which is a multiple of 0.05. For example, 1.49 will be rounded to 1.50, 1.51 will be rounded to 1.50, 1.59 will be rounded to 1.60, 1.54 will be rounded to 1.55

  3. Similarly all other rounds to the nearest decimal number work as per the multiplier.

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